TIN Arts receive different types of funding for the different areas of our work – some of this is regular funding and some if more project-specific. We apply for funding based on need and we seek out opportunities to develop work with artists with a learning disability or autism.
Arts Council England
TIN Arts are members of Arts Council England’s National Portfolio Organisations. Our current agreement with ACE runs from 2018 – 2023 and this funding enables us to offer an inclusive pathway in dance for all alongside the creation of work for national and international touring.
County Durham Community Foundation
County Durham Community Foundation are a constant supporter of TIN Arts and over recent years have awarded funding for a number of programmes including Creative Choices, Creative Couch Durham, IncludFEST and 11 Million Reasons to Dance. CDCF also host a fund entitled The TIN Arts Fund through which TIN Arts can receive donations and individual giving.
Durham County Council
TIN Arts have had a longstanding relationship with DCC partnering together for a range of events and programmes over the years. IncludFEST is part of Durham County Council’s Festival and Events offer and our GeTIN2… programmes are delivered in close collaboration with Social Care and Health.
Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
Specific projects such as the Talent Hub have received funding from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.
Children’s Heart Unit Fund
CHUF are a key funder for the Clown Doctors programme funding all delivery that takes place at the Freeman site in Newcastle upon Tyne. More recently CHUF have also invested in the developing ‘Beyond the Walls’ project which includes the Beat Squad.